A Few Thoughts from the Ohio Branch Office (or is that the Crown Pointe district office?)

Charlie and I are very glad that winter is over and are at long last back at the boat. Weather is beyond great, it’s been spring monsoon season in Cincinnati. Four months of snow on the ground is a bit too much. Rufus hates snow almost as much as he hates swimming (which he has done three times from the boat). Apparently the cat thinks the water’s still to cold for a dip so far. We’ll be participating in the Blessing of the Fleet this year and hope we’ll see you there!

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August Meeting – Margaritaville here we come!

Date/Time: August 20th/6:30 p.m. Enjoy snacks by the pool (weather permitting) and then head into the coolness for the rest of the party! Menu: Jerk chicken, Stuffed baked potato, Green salad, Cold marinated summer veggies, Cake with choice of fruit topping Charge: $10/person (covers all except specialty drink) Specialty drink: Margarita $2.00 Come and enjoy your boating buddies and sing along with the tunes from Jimmy Buffet and others. Dress: Island or boat casual

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June social, dinner & tales from the sea

Friday June 18th — June meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Crown Point Marina. Our regular meeting will be this Friday...POT LUCK! The assignment is as follows...A thru Mastracci are to bring main course and McCoy bring salad, appetizer or dessert. Brian Gregory will share his adventures this winter in the Caribbean. Come hear the 'good, the bad, and the ugly' about the trip. Be prepared for plenty of tales of see-sickness, storms and promises to never do this again, as well as beautiful beaches, sunshine and palm trees.

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May Social, Dinner & Speaker

Join us in “Fellowship and Fettucini” FRIDAY, MAY 21 6:30 PM Appetizers & adult beverages Italian dinner to follow* $10.00 per person YRYC Activities Room – Crown Pointe Marina Following dinner, Program Captain, Helen Quinby, has arranged for a special talk by CHIP DIZE. Chip is a member of the Virginia Department of Marine Resource Commission and works in the law enforcement section.

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