YRYC Racing Awards Dinner

Over 50 racers, family and friends turned out for YRYC's 2014 Racing Awards on November 12th at the YRYH. Fifteen different boats won awards over the course of the season in the Wednesday night series, Frostbite and specialty races. Complete results can be found on the YRYC racing specialty races, Spring, Summer, and Fall series scores web pages.

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YRYC October Meeting

The October meeting will be a Halloween bash at the club room on Friday, 30 October, at 6:30PM. Kathy Bowen is organizing the meeting and she will be responsible for the main dish. Members please bring appetizers, side dishes or desserts in Halloween colors. Costumes are not mandatory, however we would love for everyone to dress up and get into the Halloween spirit. Let your imagination run wild. Hope everyone will be able to attend.

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Moonlight Race Results

This year's Moonlight Race was atypical in that it saw big winds, big waves and lots of boat speed. The only thing missing was the moon, which didn't appear until after most boats had crossed the finish line. Steve Bowen and crew on Dream On put a big hurt on the spinnaker boats, and Bill Strauss and the Excalibur team did the same in the non-spin fleet.

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Jade Wins Admiral’s Cup

Barry Campell and the crew of Jade (left) won the 2006 Admiral's Cup. This was the tri-fecta for Jade; now she has won three of the 10 Admiral's Cup titles. Finishing 2nd in the non-spinnaker fleet behind Jade, was Bill Strauss' Excalibur. In the combined PHRF A/B/C spinnaker fleet Mike Austin, Movin' On, took 1st and Chuck Eldred on Gail Force finished 2nd. Seaford Yacht Club and York River Yacht Club team up each year to bring the Admiral's Cup Regatta to the York River area racers.

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Admiral’s Cup

Please join us for the Admiral's Cup on August 12. The Admiral's Cup is a sanctioned race which will be raced in two fleets -- a spinnaker fleet (PHRF A, B, & C) and a non-spinnaker fleet (PHRF N and a cruiser class). This race has traditionally been a competition between YRYC and SYC. Last year YRYC took the Cup! This year the Cup will go to the winning boat in the largest fleet. Sailing instructions are attached.

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